past work




Wellcome Collection: A History of Modern Yoga (2017)

Chapter 1: Not one yoga, but many yogas

“Yoga means many things to many people. It’s a spiritual practice, a way to stay flexible, a meditation practice, a system of wellbeing, and even a form of therapy.”


Wellcome Collection: A History of Modern Yoga (2017)

Chapter 5: Sun Salutations and Yoga Synthesis in India

“Surya namaskars, or sun salutations, have a long history in South Asia, but their place at the heart of modern yoga is more recent.”


Wellcome Collection: A History of Modern Yoga (2017)

Chapter 6: Yoga adapts to time and place

“A yoga teacher in 1930’s India inspired today’s transnational yoga with his spectacular fusion of tradition and innovation.”


Celebrating The Life Centre & Yogacampus 15-year Anniversary

15 years of Yogacampus as told by some of our the faculty members and past students.


Past Panels



Yoni Shakti the Movement: Yoga for Justice and Healing: We discuss the work of Movement for Healing and Decolonisation as a Spiritual Practice.


London Yoga Festival: Kriya, Yoga in Action; A three-part discussion on critical issues in yoga.


Invitation from Yoga Alliance for the Om Yoga Show: A discussion on permission and consent to touch in yoga.